Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution is one of the most important problems of the oceans and seas. A large portion of the plastics in our environment are thrown into the seas and oceans, and these plastics can remain for years without breaking down. As a result, the accumulation of very small plastic particles called microplastics in the seas and oceans has become a significant problem. These microplastics are accidentally taken as food by marine animals and can progress to humans through the food chain. In addition to plastics, other factors such as oil spills, chemical waste, overfishing and climate change also negatively affect the health of the oceans and seas.
Environmental Threats
Ocean and marine ecosystems are home to many species, and their balance contributes to global climate regulation. However, increasing water pollution, habitat loss, and overfishing are challenging the resilience of these ecosystems. In some marine and ocean areas, significant impacts are seen, such as the disappearance of reefs and seagrass beds, the decline of fish populations, and the change of marine species’ migration routes.
To cope with these negative situations, international communities, governments and civil society organizations are taking various measures. Measures such as protecting the seas and oceans, promoting sustainable fishing, reducing water pollution and establishing protected areas play an important role in this process. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the use of plastic, encourage recycling and implement stricter regulations to prevent plastic waste from reaching the seas.
As a result, the oceans and seas are under great threat today. Factors such as plastic pollution, water pollution, overfishing and climate change are seriously affecting the health of these valuable ecosystems. However, thanks to scientific research and international cooperation, promising steps are being taken to combat these problems. We must do more to protect the oceans and seas, use them sustainably and ensure a healthy environment for future generations.