The Purest Solutions Sustainable Development Goals
#1End Poverty

Employee support is frequently provided.
#2End Hunger

- In cooperation with Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Association NGO, food support is provided to the homeless with the support of our employees.
- Food support is provided to individuals in need.
#3Health and Quality of Life

- Employee awareness was increased through donations made on days such as Cancer Awareness Day.
- Basic health needs within the company are met with services such as a company doctor, private health insurance, and annual check-ups.
#4Quality Education

- University collaborations are developed through the TPS Academy community.
- Education and scholarship support is provided to university brand managers.
- School supplies and clothing support are provided to primary schools in need.
- Training provided to our employees: Occupational Safety Training, First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety Training, Sustainability Training, English training, Excel Training, Product Training, Competition law training
#5Gender Equality

- Attention is paid to the ratio of female employees and scholarship holders in order to support women's employment.
- We have 46 scholarship holders , 33 of whom are women (72%) and 13 of whom are men (28%) . (44% more women scholarship holders )
- Our current employee distribution: 38 females (49%) 39 males (51%)
#6Clean Water and Sanitation

- Social media campaigns are being developed as a solution to the hygiene problem.
- Beach cleaning activities are carried out at regular intervals.
- We support hygiene awareness through sponsorship of water bottles and contactless water supply at sectoral events and congresses.
- We prevent the use of plastic bottles/cups by distributing glass bottles within the company.
#7Accessible and Clean Energy

Our production facility planned for 2024 is based on clean energy.
#8Decent Work and Economic Growth

The disabled quota was opened for employment in 2023.
#10Reducing Inequalities

- Women's initiatives are prioritized in company events.
- We develop joint collaborations by supporting women entrepreneurs. (Exp: Less Collab)
#12Responsible Consumption and Production Areas

- We reduce waste generation by reusing the boxes coming out of our factory 3 times . (585 trees were protected.)
- We prevent product waste in box production with our new molds. (393 trees were protected.)
#13Climate Action

- TPS Heroes: We hold beach and forest cleaning events at regular intervals.
- 250,000 seeds were planted with Ecording (40% of which became trees).
- 5000 Trees were planted with TEMA NGO.
#14Life Underwater

- The amount of plastic in packaging has been reduced.
- We provide refill packs for plastic bottled products.
#15Terrestrial Life

- Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) approved papers are used for product packaging.
- Park and forest cleaning activities are carried out at regular intervals.
- In order to raise awareness, we distribute dog & cat food to our users in partnership with HAÇİKO with the orders they place.
We protected 761 trees with our box innovation.
#17Partnerships for Purposes

- We are developing collaborations with various civil society organizations and institutions for a better world. (HACIKO, Support to Life, Tuzun Olsun in Soup)

As The Purest Solutions, we are aware of our social and environmental responsibilities and are happy to include our users in projects that excite us in this direction. We have been giving importance to contributing to the principle of equal living conditions by providing a livable world for future generations with our afforestation projects, reducing our carbon footprint and supporting social solidarity since the first day and we try to continue our activities in this direction. We are working to be a sustainable brand with the support of our partners!
WE ARE AWARE! As The Purest Solutions, we are also aware of our environmental responsibilities and in this direction, we include our users in this social responsibility and say #birkadinicindigerine on our product covers. We prepare a gift kit with the valuable working women of Support to Life for the March 8 International Women's Day, which we have made a tradition every year, and give it as a gift along with our products.
On behalf of our valued users, we support Hachiko with every product he buys. We know that our animal friends need us even more in the winter months, so we add food to our cargo box as part of the #birmamabirumut project!

As The Purest Solutions, we are aware of our social & environmental responsibilities and are happy to include our users in projects that excite us in this direction! We would like to thank all our users who joined us in this excitement and supported the ecosystem we created.